Basic SIMD

Let’s start with a simple vector loop that uses the SSE2 instruction set:

fn main() {
pub fn simd_basic(target: u64) -> u64 {
    use safe_arch::m128i;
    const SIMD_WIDTH: usize = 2;

    // Set up SIMD counters and increment
    let mut simd_counter = m128i::from([0u64; SIMD_WIDTH]);
    let simd_increment = m128i::from([1u64; SIMD_WIDTH]);

    // Accumulate in parallel
    for _ in 0..(target / SIMD_WIDTH as u64) {
        simd_counter = pessimize::hide(safe_arch::add_i64_m128i(simd_counter, simd_increment));

    // Merge the SIMD counters into a scalar counter
    let counters: [u64; SIMD_WIDTH] = simd_counter.into();
    let mut counter = counters.iter().sum();

    // Accumulate trailing element, if any
    counter = pessimize::hide(counter + target % SIMD_WIDTH as u64);

You may notice strong similarities with the instruction-level parallelism approach that I used earlier, except this time instead of nice arrays I am using a weird m128i x86-specific type that comes with its own weird array of operations. And that is in spite of me using the safe_arch Rust crate, which already has friendlier API conventions than the underlying hardware intrinsics.

If you can bear with the weirdness, however, this approach works slightly better than two-way instruction level parallelism by virtue of generating a simpler instruction stream that the CPU has an easier time parsing through, and also leaving the CPU’s scalar execution resources free to handle other program work like loop counter management.

As a result, while the asymptotic throughput is the same as that of two-way instruction-level parallelism, as you would expect, small loops will execute a few CPU cycles faster.

Also, while readers with former SIMD experience may frown at me for using conversions from integer arrays instead of cheaper hardware tricks for generating SIMD vectors of zeroes and ones, I would advise such readers to give optimizing compilers a little more credit. While this is certainly not always true, sometimes you don’t really need clever code to produce decent assembly:

      mov     %rdi,%rax
      pxor    %xmm0,%xmm0
      cmp     $0x2,%rdi
    ↓ jb      29
      mov     %rax,%rcx
      shr     %rcx
      pxor    %xmm0,%xmm0
      pcmpeqd %xmm1,%xmm1
20:   psubq   %xmm1,%xmm0
      dec     %rcx
    ↑ jne     20
29:   movq    %xmm0,%rcx
      pshufd  $0xee,%xmm0,%xmm0
      movq    %xmm0,%rdx
      and     $0x1,%eax
      add     %rcx,%rax
      add     %rdx,%rax
    ← ret