Reducing launch overhead

There are two problems with the simple approach to multithreading that I used at the start of this chapter. One that we can already see on my CPU, and another one that we would see if we were to run the code on a higher-end compute node.

The first problem is that creating and destroying thread uses up a lot of system resources, and thread_simple does that on every call. It would be better to create threads once at the start of the program, and keep them alive across benchmark runs, only submitting work to them through a lightweight synchronization mechanism.

The second problem is that we are spawning threads one by one from the main thread, which would become a bottleneck if we were to run this on a compute node with many CPU cores. To put things in perspective, one can already build rackmount servers with more than 200 physical CPU cores as of 2022, where this book is written, and systems with thousands of CPU cores per node are on the medium term horizon if semiconductor technology evolution progresses as expected.

Thankfully, I can offload both of these concerns to rayon, a great Rust library that provides both an automatically managed thread pool and a scalable fork-join task spawning mechanism, to get code that is simpler and performs better at little development cost :

fn main() {
pub fn thread_rayon(target: u64, sequential: impl Fn(u64) -> u64 + Sync) -> u64 {
    use rayon::prelude::*;
    rayon::iter::split(target, |target| {
        let half1 = target / 2;
        let half2 = target - half1;
        (half2, (half1 > 0).then_some(half1))

And with that, we get a 7.6x speedup on 8 CPU cores when counting up to 2^36. This imperfect scaling largely comes from a slight reduction in CPU clock rate when using all CPU cores, with throughput per CPU clock cycle increasing by 7.9x on its side.

Now, three thousand billion counter increments per cycle is as far as I’m going to get on my CPU when it comes to asymptotic throughput. But this solution can be improved in other respects.

Before getting there, though, I would like to address another matter. Given that my CPU has hyperthreading functionality, it actually exposes 16 hardware threads, not 8, so you might expect a 16x speedup. But the truth is, for a well-tuned compute-bound task, that cannot happen.

The reason is that hyperthreading works by multiplexing two instruction streams over the execution resources of one CPU core. As a result, hyperthreading only provides performance benefits for code that fails to saturate a CPU core’s execution resources on its own, like our initial versions without ILP. Now that our code is tuned to do avoid this pitfall, the impact of hyperthreading on performance can only be at best neutral, and at worst negative.

To put in an other way, if you encounter code that performs better with hyperthreading than without, chances are high that the code is not putting the CPU to good use to begin with and could benefit from some single-threaded optimization. The main exception would be latency-sensitive code that spends its time waiting for external events but must react to them very quickly as soon as they occur, such as low-latency servers or hardware interrupt handlers in operating systems.