Getting started

Let’s start simple and count with the + operator:

fn main() {
pub fn basic(target: u64) -> u64 {
    let mut current = 0;
    for _ in {
        current = pessimize::hide(current + 1);

Here, I use my pessimize crate, which is a fancier version of the recently stabilized std::hint::black_box, to ensure that the compiler doesn’t optimize out the counting by directly returning the end result. This optimization barrier pretends to the compiler that something is reading out every intermediary count, which prevents it from skipping ahead.

How fast does this code count ? Well, actually, that depends how far you are counting:

  • For smaller counts, the counting time is dominated by the time it takes to set up and tear down the counting code, which is around one nanosecond on my CPU.
  • For counts of more than about a thousand elements, this overhead becomes negligible with respect to the actual counting costs, and thus we start counting once per CPU cycle, or a little more than 4 billion times per second on my CPU (4.27 to be precise).

But to me, the interesting question is, how much faster can we go than this simple code, and at what costs (logical shortcuts, API constraints, code complexity and maintainability…).

In the following, I’m going to assume that we are interested in optimizing for asymptotic counting throughput when going for large counts. But I’ll still keep track of how many iterations it takes to reach baseline performance and peak performance, just so you see what tradeoffs we make when optimizing for throughput like this.

All the code that I’m going to present will be featured in the “counter” directory of this book’s source code, along with tests and microbenchmarks that allow you to assert that the count is correct and replicate the results discussed here on your own CPU.