Custom thread pool

Using rayon makes it a lot cheaper to spawn parallel tasks than explicitly spawning threads on every counting run, but cheaper is not free.

When using all 16 hyperthreads of my 8-core CPU, small counting loops take microseconds to execute due to scheduling and synchronization overhead. As a result, it takes more than 32 million counting iterations for this execution configuration to beat the performance of sequential counting.

This overhead is, as one would expect, less severe when using less threads…

  • With 2 threads, sequential counting is beaten above 4 million iterations
  • With 4 threads pinned in such a way that they share a common CPU L3 cache shard, which reduces communication latency, it takes 8 million iterations.
  • With 8 threads or 4 poorly pinned threads, it takes 16 million iterations.

…but it’s still a big entry cost compared to the optimizations we have done previously, which could be problematic in latency-sensitive applications like audio processing. Can we do better than that?

Indeed we can because rayon is a general-purpose library, which supports features we do not need here like dynamic load balancing and arbitrary task code. By forgoing these features and accepting to write the code ourselves, we can implement a lighter-weight scheduling and synchronization protocol, and thus beat rayon’s performance. However, rayon is pretty well implemented, so it actually takes a decent amount of work to outperform it.

So, what building blocks do we need to count in parallel efficiently?

  • N-1 worker threads where N is the desired amount of parallelism. The thread which requested the counting will do its share of the work.
  • A mechanism for worker threads to wait for work to come up and for the main thread to wake them up, which must be immune to lost wake-ups.
  • A mechanism for the main thread to tell worker threads what work they need to do.
  • A mechanism for the main thread to wait for worker threads to be done and for worker threads to wake it up, again immune to lost wake-ups.
  • A mechanism for worker threads and the main thread to aggregate their temporary results into shared storage, and for the main thread to collect the final results.
  • A mechanism for worker threads and the main thread to tell each other to stop when the main thread exits or a worker thread panics.

That’s actually a fair amount of building blocks, and since we are trying to outperform rayon’s tuned implementation, we also need to implement them using a synchronization protocol that is relatively clever. Hence the end result is a big chunk of code. Let’s go through it step by step.

Read-Modify-Write operations and spin locks

Our synchronization protocol requires some atomic Read-Modify-Write (RMW) operations, where a thread must read a value from memory, compute a new dependent value, and store it in place of its former self, without other threads being able to intervene in the middle.

While x86 CPUs provides native support for such operations on <=64-bit words, they are very expensive (hundreds of CPU cycles in the absence of contention, and that grows super-linearly when contention occurs), so we want as few of them per synchronization transaction as possible.

To support blocking, well implemented mutexes must perform a minimum of two of these operations during a lock/unlock cycle:

  • One at locking time to check if the mutex is unlocked and if so lock it.
    • If the mutex is locked, at least one more to tell the thread holding the lock that we’re waiting if the lock is still held at that time, or else try to lock it again.
  • One at unlocking time to check if there are threads waiting for the unlock, which allows avoiding the overhead of calling into the OS to unblock them in the uncontended fast path.

For the purpose of this simple program, any synchronization transaction should be doable in one blocking OS transaction, so we should never need more than two hardware RMW operations in succession on the uncontended path. If we do, it means that we’re doing something inefficiently.

There are two ways to get that down to one single hardware RMW atomic operation:

  • If we have only one <=64-bit word to update, we can do it with one hardware RMW operation.
  • If we have multiple variables to update but we expect updates to take a very short amount of time (<1µs), then we can use a spin lock.

This last bit warrants some explanations since spin locks got a bit of a bad reputation recently, and for good reason: they are a rather specialized tool that tends to be overused.

Well implemented mutexes differ from well-implemented spin locks in the following ways:

  1. Mutexes need more expensive hardware RMW operations during lock acquisition to exchange more information with other threads. An RMW operation will always be needed, but on some hardware, not all RMW operations are born equal.
    • For example, fetch_add is less expensive than compare_exchange on x86 because the former is implemented using an infaillible instruction, avoiding the need for costly retries in presence of thread contention. But the more complexity you pile up into a single variable, the more likely you are to need the full power of compare_exchange or the higher-level fetch_update abstraction tht Rust builds on top of it.
  2. To detect other blocked threads, mutexes need a hardware RMW operation at unlock time, as mentioned earlier, whereas unlocking a spin lock only requires a write because the in-memory data only has two states, locked and unlocked, and only the thread holding the lock can perform the locked -> unlocked state transition. There is no information for it to read.
  3. If they fail to acquire the lock, mutexes will start by busy-waiting in userspace, but then eventually tell the OS scheduler that they are waiting for something. The OS can use this information to schedule them out and priorize running the thread holding the lock that they depend on. This is not possible with spin locks, which are doomed to either burn CPU cycles or yield to random other OS threads for unknown amounts of time.

Spin locks are used to avoid costs #1 and #2 (expensive RMW operations) at the cost of losing benefit #3 (efficient blocking during long waits).

The problem is that if long waits do happen, efficient blocking is actually very important, much more so than cheaping out on hardware RMW operations. Therefore, spin locks are only efficient when long waits are exceptional, and their performance degrades horribly as contention goes up. Thus, they require a very well-controlled execution environment where you can confidently assert that CPU cores are not oversubscribed for extended periods of time. And as a result, they are only relevant for specialized use cases, not general-purpose applications.

However, “specialized use case” is basically the motto of this book, so obviously I can and will provide the right environment guarantees for the sake of reaping those nice little spinlock perf profits.

And thus, when I’ll need to do batches of read-modify-write operations, I’ll allow myself to lock them through the following spin waiting mechanism. Which, conveniently enough, is also generic enough to be usable as part of a blocking synchronization strategy.

fn main() {
/// Spin until a condition is validated
/// Start with busy waiting in userpace with a cheap condition check. For longer
/// waits, burn less CPU cycles by yielding to the OS and allow the waiter to
/// switch to a more expensive check along the way.
/// Unless INFINITE is true, give up after a while and return None to allow for
/// proper OS-controlled blocking to take place.
/// Otherwise, only Some(result) options may be returned.
fn spin_loop<const INFINITE: bool, Ready>(
    mut cheap_check: impl FnMut() -> Option<Ready>,
    mut expensive_check: impl FnMut() -> Option<Ready>,
) -> Option<Ready> {
    // Tuning parameters, empirically optimal on my machine
    use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
    const SPIN_ITERS: usize = 300;
    const MAX_BACKOFF: usize = 1 << 2;
    const OS_SPIN_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_nanos(1);
    const OS_SPIN_BOUND: Duration = Duration::from_micros(20);

    // Start with a userspace busy loop with a bit of exponential backoff
    let mut backoff = 1;
    for _ in 0..SPIN_ITERS {
        if let Some(ready) = cheap_check() {
            return Some(ready);
        for _ in 0..backoff {
        backoff = (2 * backoff).min(MAX_BACKOFF);

    // Switch to yielding to the OS once it's clear it's gonna take a while, to
    // reduce our CPU consumption at the cost of higher wakeup latency
    macro_rules! yield_iter {
        () => {
            // Check if the condition is now met
            if let Some(ready) = expensive_check() {
                return Some(ready);

            // yield_now() would be semantically more correct for this situation
            // but is broken on Linux as the CFS scheduler just reschedules us.
    if INFINITE {
        loop {
    } else {
        let start = Instant::now();
        while start.elapsed() < OS_SPIN_BOUND {


Given read-modify-write building blocks, we can start to work on the scheduling mechanism used by the main thread to submit work to worker threads and by all parties involved to tell each other when it’s time to stop working, typically when the main thread exits or a worker thread panics.

As a minor spoiler, I’ll need to iterate on the implementation a bit later on, so let’s be generic over components implementing this logic via the following trait…

fn main() {
/// Mechanism to synchronize job startup and error handling
pub trait JobScheduler: Sync {
    /// Minimum accepted parallel job size, smaller jobs must be run sequentially
    const MIN_TARGET: u64;

    /// Start a job
    fn start(&self, target: u64);

    /// Request all threads to stop
    fn stop(&self);

    /// Check if the stop signal has been raised
    fn stopped(&self) -> bool;

    /// Wait for a counting job, or a stop signal
    /// This returns the full counting job, it is then up to this thread to
    /// figure out its share of work from it.
    fn wait_for_task(&self) -> Result<u64, Stopped>;

    /// Wait until all other worker threads have accepted their task
    /// Worker threads must do this before telling other threads that they are
    /// done with their current task, and `JobScheduler` implementations may
    /// rely on this to optimize `wait_for_task()`.
    fn wait_for_started(&self);

    /// Wait for a condition to be met or for the stop signal to be received
    fn faillible_spin_wait(&self, condition: impl Fn() -> bool) -> Result<Done, Stopped> {

    /// `spin_loop` specialization that monitors the stop signal like
    /// `faillible_spin_wait`
    fn faillible_spin<const INFINITE: bool>(
        condition: impl Fn() -> bool,
    ) -> Option<Result<Done, Stopped>> {
        let condition = || condition().then_some(Ok(Done));
        let error = || self.stopped().then_some(Err(Stopped));
        spin_loop::<INFINITE, _>(condition, || condition().or(error()))

/// Error type used to signal that the stop signal was raised
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Stopped;

/// Signal emitted by `faillible_spin` to tell that the condition was satisfied
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Done;

…which is easy to implement using an atomic variable and a standard Barrier.

fn main() {
/// Basic JobScheduler implementation, to be refined later on
pub struct BasicScheduler {
    /// Counting job (Some(target)) or request to stop (None)
    request: atomic::Atomic<Option<std::num::NonZeroU64>>,

    /// Mechanism for worker threads to await a request.
    /// This can take the form of an incoming job or a termination request.
    barrier: std::sync::Barrier,
impl BasicScheduler {
    /// Set up a new BasicScheduler
    pub fn new(num_threads: u32) -> Self {
        use atomic::Atomic;
        use std::{num::NonZeroU64, sync::Barrier};
        Self {
            request: Atomic::new(NonZeroU64::new(u64::MAX)),
            barrier: Barrier::new(num_threads.try_into().unwrap()),
impl JobScheduler for BasicScheduler {
    // We're reserving `target` == 0 for requests to stop
    const MIN_TARGET: u64 = 1;

    fn start(&self, target: u64) {
        use std::{num::NonZeroU64, sync::atomic::Ordering};

        // Package the counting request
        let request = NonZeroU64::new(target);
            "Don't schedule jobs smaller than MIN_TARGET"

        // Send it to the worker threads, making sure that worker threads have
        // not stopped on the other side of the pipeline.
            .fetch_update(Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Relaxed, |old| {
                old.expect("Can't schedule this new job, some workers have stopped");

        // Wake up worker threads

    fn stop(&self) {, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);

    fn stopped(&self) -> bool {

    fn wait_for_task(&self) -> Result<u64, Stopped> {

    fn wait_for_started(&self) {}

Here, I am using a standard Barrier to have worker threads wait for job and stop signals. The main interesting thing that’s happening is that I am forbidding zero-sized parallel jobs, as allowed by the JobScheduler API, to repurpose that forbidden job size as a signal that threads should stop.

The astute reader will, however, notice that I am running afoul of my own “not more than two hardware RMW operations per transaction” rule in BasicScheduler::start(), as the blocking implementation of Barrier::wait() must use at least two such operations and I am using one more for error handling. This performance deficiency will be adressed in the next chapter.

Collecting results

After starting jobs, we need to wait for them to finish and collect results. Again, we’ll explore several ways of doing this, so let’s express what we need as a trait:

fn main() {
/// Synchronization primitive that aggregates per-thread contributions and can
/// tell when all threads have provided their contribution.
/// Logically equivalent to the combination of an atomic thread counter and
/// an atomic accumulator of results, where results are accumulated before
/// decreasing the thread counter.
pub trait Reducer: Sync {
    /// Clear the accumulator and prepare for `num_threads` contributions
    /// This is meant for use by the main thread inbetween jobs and should not
    /// be called while worker threads may observe the state of this object.
    fn reset(&self, num_threads: u32);

    /// Truth that not all threads have submitted their contribution yet
    /// If this is used for synchronization purposes, it should be followed by
    /// an `Acquire` memory barrier.
    fn has_remaining_threads(&self) -> bool;

    /// Optional data payload that threads can contribute
    /// In the special case where this is `()`, this `Reducer` just counts down
    /// until all threads have called `thread_done`, as a barrier of sorts.
    type Contribution;

    /// Sum of aggregated contributions for all threads so far
    fn current_result(&self) -> Self::Contribution;

    /// Wait for all contributions to have been received or an error to occur
    fn wait_for_end_result(
        scheduler: &impl JobScheduler,
    ) -> Result<Self::Contribution, Stopped> {
        let res = scheduler.faillible_spin_wait(|| !self.has_remaining_threads());
        atomic::fence(atomic::Ordering::Acquire);|Done| self.current_result())

    /// Accumulator identifier
    /// Some Reducers have an internal structure, where threads can target
    /// multiple inner accumulators. This identifies one such accumulator.
    type AccumulatorId: Copy;

    /// Process a contribution from one thread
    /// If this was the last thread, it gets the full aggregated job result.
    /// The notification that this thread has passed by and the check for job
    /// completion are performed as if done by a single atomic read-modify-write
    /// operation with the specified memory ordering.
    fn thread_done(
        contribution: Self::Contribution,
        ordering: atomic::Ordering,
        accumulator_idx: Self::AccumulatorId,
    ) -> Option<Self::Contribution>;

To be able simultaneously track the aggregated 64-bit job result and the 32-bit counter of threads that still have to provide their contribution, we need 96 bits of state, which is more state than hardware can update in a single atomic read-modify-write transaction (well technically some hardware can do 128-bit atomics but they are almost twice as slow as their 64-bit counterparts).

To avoid the need for multiple expensive hardware atomic transactions, we synchronize writers using a spinlock, as we hinted at earlier.

fn main() {
pub struct BasicResultReducer {
    /// Spin lock used to synchronize concurrent read-modify-write operations
    /// Initially `false`, set to `true` while the lock is held.
    spin_lock: atomic::Atomic<bool>,

    /// Number of processing threads that have work to do
    /// This is set to `num_threads` when a job is submitted. Each time
    /// a thread is done with its task, it decrements this counter. So when it
    /// reaches 0, it tells the thread that last decremented it that all
    /// worker threads are done, with Acquire/Release synchronization.
    remaining_threads: atomic::Atomic<u32>,

    /// Sum of partial computation results
    result: atomic::Atomic<u64>,
impl BasicResultReducer {
    /// Create a new result reducer
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    /// Acquire spin lock
    fn lock(&self) -> ReducerGuard {
        use atomic::Ordering;

        // If we are the last thread, we do not need a lock
        if self.remaining_threads.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == 1 {
            return ReducerGuard(self);

        loop {
            // Try to opportunistically acquire the lock
            if !self.spin_lock.swap(true, Ordering::Acquire) {
                return ReducerGuard(self);

            // Otherwise, wait for it to become available before retrying
            let check = || {
                if self.spin_lock.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
                } else {
            spin_loop::<true, ()>(check, check);
impl Reducer for BasicResultReducer {
    fn reset(&self, num_threads: u32) {
        use atomic::Ordering;
        debug_assert_eq!(self.remaining_threads.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);, Ordering::Relaxed);, Ordering::Relaxed);

    fn has_remaining_threads(&self) -> bool {
        self.remaining_threads.load(atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) != 0

    type Contribution = u64;

    fn current_result(&self) -> u64 {

    type AccumulatorId = ();

    fn thread_done(&self, result: u64, mut ordering: atomic::Ordering, (): ()) -> Option<u64> {
        use atomic::Ordering;

        // Enforce a Release barrier so that threads observing this
        // notification with Acquire ordering also observe the merged results
        ordering = match ordering {
            Ordering::Relaxed => Ordering::Release,
            Ordering::Acquire => Ordering::AcqRel,
            Ordering::Release | Ordering::AcqRel | Ordering::SeqCst => ordering,
            _ => unimplemented!(),

        // Merge our results, expose job results if done
        let mut lock = self.lock();
        let merged_result = lock.merge_result(result, Ordering::Relaxed);
/// Equivalent of `MutexGuard` for the BasicResultReducer spin lock
struct ReducerGuard<'aggregator>(&'aggregator BasicResultReducer);
impl<'aggregator> ReducerGuard<'aggregator> {
    /// Merge partial result `result`, get the current sum of partial results
    pub fn merge_result(&mut self, result: u64, order: atomic::Ordering) -> u64 {
            |old| old <= u64::MAX - result,
            |old| old + result,

    /// Notify that this thread is done, tell if all threads are done
    pub fn notify_done(&mut self, order: atomic::Ordering) -> bool {
            |old| old > 0,
            |old| old - 1,
        ) == 0

    /// Read-Modify-Write operation that is not atomic in hardware, but
    /// logically atomic if all concurrent writes to the target atomic variable
    /// require exclusive access to the spinlock-protected ReducerGuard
    /// In debug builds, the `check` sanity check is first performed on the
    /// existing value, then a new value is computed through `change`, inserted
    /// into the target atomic variable, and returned.
    /// Note that this is unlike the fetch_xyz functions of Atomic variables,
    /// which return the _previous_ value of the variable.
    fn fetch_update<T: bytemuck::NoUninit>(
        &mut self,
        target: &atomic::Atomic<T>,
        order: atomic::Ordering,
        check: impl FnOnce(T) -> bool,
        change: impl FnOnce(T) -> T,
    ) -> T {
        let [load_order, store_order] = Self::rmw_order(order);
        let old = target.load(load_order);
        let new = change(old);, store_order);

    /// Load and store ordering to be used when emulating an atomic
    /// read-modify-write operation under lock protection
    fn rmw_order(order: atomic::Ordering) -> [atomic::Ordering; 2] {
        use atomic::Ordering;
        match order {
            Ordering::Relaxed => [Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Relaxed],
            Ordering::Acquire => [Ordering::Acquire, Ordering::Relaxed],
            Ordering::Release => [Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Release],
            Ordering::AcqRel => [Ordering::Acquire, Ordering::Release],
            _ => unimplemented!(),
impl<'aggregator> Drop for ReducerGuard<'aggregator> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {, atomic::Ordering::Release);

Besides the spinlock, the main other interesting thing in this code is the choice of atomic memory orderings, which ensure that any thread which either acquires the spinlock or spins waiting for remaining_threads to reach 0 with Acquire ordering will get a consistent value of result at the time where remaining_threads reached 0.

Shared facilities

Now that we have ways to schedule jobs and collect results, we are ready to define the state shared between all processing threads, as well as its basic transactions.

fn main() {
/// State shared between the main thread and worker threads
struct SharedState<Counter: Fn(u64) -> u64 + Sync, Scheduler, ResultReducer: Reducer> {
    /// Counter implementation
    counter: Counter,

    /// Assignment of threads to reducer slots
    thread_ids: Box<[ResultReducer::AccumulatorId]>,

    /// Mechanism to synchronize job startup and error handling
    scheduler: Scheduler,

    /// Mechanism to synchronize task and job completion
    result_reducer: ResultReducer,
        Counter: Fn(u64) -> u64 + std::panic::RefUnwindSafe + Sync,
        Scheduler: JobScheduler,
        ResultReducer: Reducer<Contribution = u64>,
    > SharedState<Counter, Scheduler, ResultReducer>
    /// Set up shared state
    pub fn new(
        counter: Counter,
        thread_ids: Box<[ResultReducer::AccumulatorId]>,
        scheduler: Scheduler,
        result_reducer: ResultReducer,
    ) -> Self {
        assert!(thread_ids.len() < usize::try_from(u32::MAX).unwrap());
        Self {

    /// Schedule counting work and wait for the end result
    pub fn count(&self, target: u64) -> u64 {
        // Handle sequential special cases
        if self.num_threads() == 1 || target < Scheduler::MIN_TARGET {
            return (self.counter)(target);

        // Schedule job
        let debug_log = |action| debug_log(true, action);
        debug_log("scheduling a new job");

        // Do our share of the work
        let result = self.process(target, Self::MAIN_THREAD).unwrap_or_else(|| {
            // If we're not finishing last, wait for workers to finish
            debug_log("waiting for the job's result");
                .expect("This job won't end because some workers have stopped")

    /// Request worker threads to stop
    pub fn stop(&self, is_main: bool) {
        debug_log(is_main, "sending the stop signal");

    /// Worker thread implementation
    pub fn worker(&self, thread_idx: u32) {
        use std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe;
        assert!(thread_idx != Self::MAIN_THREAD);
        let debug_log = |action| debug_log(false, action);
        if let Err(payload) = std::panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
            // Normal work loop
            debug_log("waiting for its first job");
            while let Ok(target) = self.scheduler.wait_for_task() {
                self.process(target, thread_idx);
                debug_log("waiting for its next job")
            debug_log("shutting down normally");
        })) {
            // In case of panic, tell others to stop before unwinding

    /// Thread index of the main thread
    const MAIN_THREAD: u32 = 0;

    /// Number of threads managed by this SharedState
    fn num_threads(&self) -> u32 {
        self.thread_ids.len() as u32

    /// Process this thread's share of a job, tell if the job is done
    fn process(&self, target: u64, thread_idx: u32) -> Option<u64> {
        // Discriminate main thread from worker thread
        let is_main = thread_idx == Self::MAIN_THREAD;
        let is_worker = !is_main;

        // Determine which share of the counting work we'll take
        let thread_idx = thread_idx as u64;
        let num_threads = self.num_threads() as u64;
        let base_share = target / num_threads;
        let extra = target % num_threads;
        let share = base_share + (thread_idx < extra) as u64;

        // Do the counting work
        let debug_log = |action| debug_log(is_main, action);
        debug_log("executing its task");
        let result = (self.counter)(share);

        // Wait for other threads to have accepted their task
        if is_worker {
            debug_log("waiting for other tasks to be started");

        // Merge our partial result into the global result
        debug_log("merging its result contribution");
            self.thread_ids[thread_idx as usize],

/// Logs to ease debugging
fn debug_log(is_main: bool, action: &str) {
    if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
        let header = if is_main { "Main " } else { "" };
        // While using stdout here defies Unix convention, it also ensures that
        // the test harness can capture the message, unlike unbuffered stderr.
        println!("{header}{:?} is {action}", std::thread::current().id());

This is a bit large, let’s go through it step by step.

TODO: Update

The shared state is a combination of the two synchronization primitives that we have introduced previously with a sequential counting implementation and a counter of processing threads.

The main thread starts a job by resetting the Accumulator, then waking up workers through the JobScheduler mechanism. After that, it does its share of the work by calling process(), which we’re going to describe later. Finally it either gets the final result directly by virtue of finishing last or waits for worker threads to provide it.

Worker threads go through a simple loop where they wait for scheduler.wait_for_task() to emit a job, then process it, then go back to waiting, until they are requested to stop. If a panic occurs, the panicking thread sends the stop signal so that other worker threads and the main threads eventually stop as well, avoiding a deadlock scenario where surviving worker threads would wait for a new job from the main thread, which itself waits for worker threads to finish the current job.

The processing logic in process() starts by splitting the job into roughly identical chunks, counts sequentially, then makes sure worker threads wait for other workers to have started working (which is going to be needed later on), and finally merges the result contribution using the Accumulator.

Finally, a little logger which is compiled out of release builds is provided, as this is empirically very useful when debugging incorrect logic in multi-threaded code.

Putting it all together

At this point, we have all the logic we need. The only thing left to do is to determine how many CPUs are available, spawn an appropriate number of worker threads, provide the top-level counting API, and making sure that when the main thread exits, it warns worker threads so they exit too.

fn main() {
pub struct BasicThreadPool<
    Counter: Fn(u64) -> u64 + std::panic::RefUnwindSafe + Sync + 'static,
    Scheduler: JobScheduler,
> {
    /// Worker threads
    _workers: Box<[std::thread::JoinHandle<()>]>,

    /// State shared with worker threads
    state: std::sync::Arc<SharedState<Counter, Scheduler, BasicResultReducer>>,
        Counter: Fn(u64) -> u64 + std::panic::RefUnwindSafe + Send + Sync + 'static,
        Scheduler: JobScheduler + Send + 'static,
    > BasicThreadPool<Counter, Scheduler>
    /// Set up worker threads with a certain counter implementation
    /// `make_scheduler` takes a number of threads as a parameter and sets up a
    /// Scheduler that can work with this number of threads.
    pub fn start(counter: Counter, make_scheduler: impl FnOnce(u32) -> Scheduler) -> Self {
        use std::{sync::Arc, thread};

        let num_threads = u32::try_from(
        .expect("Number of threads must fit on 32 bits");

        let state = Arc::new(SharedState::new(
            std::iter::repeat(()).take(num_threads as usize).collect(),
        let _workers = (1..num_threads)
            .map(|thread_idx| {
                let state2 = state.clone();
                thread::spawn(move || state2.worker(thread_idx))

        Self { _workers, state }

    /// Count in parallel using the worker threads
    /// This wants &mut because the shared state is not meant for concurrent use
    pub fn count(&mut self, target: u64) -> u64 {
        Counter: Fn(u64) -> u64 + std::panic::RefUnwindSafe + Sync + 'static,
        Scheduler: JobScheduler,
    > Drop for BasicThreadPool<Counter, Scheduler>
    /// Tell worker threads to exit on Drop: we won't be sending more tasks
    fn drop(&mut self) {

And with that, we have a full custom parallel counting implementation that we can compare to the Rayon one. How well does it perform?

  • 2 well-pinned threads beat sequential counting above 256 thousand iterations (16x better).
  • 4 well-pinned threads do so above 1 million iterations (8x better).
  • 8 threads do so above 2 million iterations (8x better).
  • 16 hyperthreads do so above 8 million iterations, (4x better).
  • Asymptotic performance at large amounts of iterations is comparable.

So, with this specialized implementation, we’ve cut down the small-task overhead by a sizable factor that goes up as the number of threads goes down. But can we do better still by adressing my earlier comment that the naive JobScheduler above isn’t very optimal?