Conclusion (WIP)

TODO: This is most certainly a pointless calculation, but it does provide a nice occasion to touch on several things that matter in real calculations, and it is also not that far from a real calculation (just add some form of masking to turn pointless exhaustive counting into an actually useful statistical primitive). Hope you enjoyed this thxbye.

  I should definitely also send a copy of this to Paul McKenney with some
  background info on how this is a parallel programming book joke gone too

  Also, look ma no unsafe !

  General observations:
  - Know your hardware specs, question why you're not there yet
  - Parallelize, parallelize, parallelize
  - Quite a difference between ILP & SIMD where you usually need to do all
    the work yourself but it's easy, and multithreading where you can often
    be satisfied with what a generic library gives you but when you aren't
    it's an order of magnitude more tricky.